One of the most frequently asked questions by customers at King West Flowers is “Is this plant toxic to my dog or cat”? Or, “will my dog or cat get sick if it eats a particular plant”?
These are good questions and pet lovers who care about the health of their pets should be asking them. To help you get answers, we have done a little research on the internet to find out what other people are saying. Here are a few sites that look useful. We cannot make judgement on their accuracy. Please do that for yourself. – this site will leave you bleary-eyed if you read the whole thing. It is very comprehensive.
Part way down the page, there is an icon for a list of the scientific names for all of the plants. However, a bit further down the page there are pictures of all of the plants, toxic and non-toxic. Click on the category you want and then on the name under a plant. This will give you the toxicity information about that particular plant. The only issues that we have with this site are that it does not seem to indicate the part of the plant that is toxic and that it is a bit light on describing the severity of the toxicity. – this is a much, much shorter list but we like it for two reasons. It identifies the part of the plant that is toxic and talks about the severity of the toxicity. – this is another very comprehensive site. Although the url refers to cats, it seems to cover both dogs and cats. For each plant or flower, there is discussion about the toxic symptoms and, where appropriate, the part of the plants with the toxicity. However, this site also appears to be a bit light on the potential severity of the plants’ toxicity.
We hope you enjoy both your pets and your plants, in good health for all. And when you want to purchase a new plant, please drop by King West Flowers to see our stock. If you are looking for a particular plant and we do not have it, we will try to get it in for you. You can also order plants from our Online Shop.
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